Mohs scale
Hardness Name Hardness Details Memo
1 Sulphur 1 - 1.5

easily scraped with a nail

2 Amber 2 - 3 scraped with a nail
Ivory 2 - 4
3 Pearl 3 - 4 scraped with a coin。
Coral 3 - 4
Malachite 3.5 - 4
4 Rhodochrosite 4 easily scraped with a knife
5 Lapis Lazuli 5- 6 scraped with a knife
Turquoise 5 - 6
Opal 5.5 - 6.5
6 Moonstone 6 - 6.5 scraped with a steel file
Tanzanite 6.5 - 7
Peridot 6.5 - 7
Zircon 6.5 - 7.5
7 Citrine 7 scraped with a glass or harder stone.
Amethyst 7
Tourmaline 7 - 7.5
Garnet 7 - 7.5
Emerald 7.5 - 8
8 Topaz 8 scraped with a glass or harder stone.
Alexandrite 8.5
9 Ruby 9 scraped with a glass or harder stone.
Sapphire 9
10 Diamond 10