/ Paper craft & Stationary / Cutting tools for framing, model making, shadow box

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Logan Board Mounted Mat Cutters #350 : Compact Elite / 1 set

Versatile, portable 32" (81cm) capacity mat cutter provides affordable and professional results. Open ended guide rail allows bevel cuts in matboards of any size. Downsize matboard up to 32" (81.3 cm). Includes parallel mat guide for setting border widths from 3/4" (1.9 cm) to 4-1/2" (11.4 cm), fully hinged guide rail to guide cutting heads, scaled production stop, built in squaring bar for holding mat board square, push style bevel cutting head with start and stop indicator, pull style straight cutting head for downsizing mat board and foam board, built-in carry handle in box, five extra blades, a free instructional DVD and a fully illustrated matting instruction guide.
Craft & Hobby
Compact Elite
Artist Elite
Simplex Studio Elite
usage/level light medium medium medium
capacity 61cm81cm101cm50cm
squaring mechanism included yes yes yes 30cm
min. border using the mat guide 1.9cm 1.9cm 1.9cm 1.9cm
max. border using the mat guide 11.4cm 11.4cm 10.8cm14cm
parallel mat guide no yes yes yes
production stops no yes two yes
surface laminate laminate laminate laminate
  • Comparison table :
    Capacity: 70cm
  • Merk / Produsen: Logan

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