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Logan Adapt-A-Ruler

Use your Logan Handheld Mat Cutter models 2000 Push Style or 4000 Deluxe Pull Style, Straight Cutter, Glass Cutter, or Mat Knife with an Adapt-A-Rule cutting guide and enjoy straighter, faster, more accurate cuts. The 24? (61cm) and 40? (101cm) models include a non-slip rubberized base and US or metric ruled guides. The unruled 60? (152cm) model includes a C-clamp. All models include an Upgrade Kit including nylon guides and screws allowing modification of your Logan Handheld Mat Cutter to then “hook” onto the Adapt-a-Rule.

  • Merk / Produsen: Logan

    * .
    id:16544 (sku:TO-CT-MC01A52)  
      Pilihan (Rp) Harga Stok Qty
    -   #524 : 24 inch ( 61 cm ) 994,000 4
    -   #540 : 40 inch ( 101 cm ) 1,532,500 3
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