/ Hand Tools for craft and hobby / Pliers & Nipper

Plier KEIBA MN-A05 : Micro Cutting Nipper / 1pc

The Midget Diagonal Cutting Plier is made of special vanadium alloy steel, the bodies are heat-treated in an advanced process and cutting blades are induction heated which ensures good cutting and longer life.
(In wear tests by our quality-control department, the pliers have proven good for over 100,000 cuts of 0.8mm dia. enamelled wire.)
These pliers are designed to cut copper wires from 0.2 to 2.0mm dia. and general soft wires up to 0.8mm dia.
Other applications are as gate cutters in the plastic processing industry and in plastic model-making.
  • Merk / Produsen: Keiba

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