/ Leather craft / Leather craft: Adhesive, Dyes & Finishes

Leathercraft Psychedelic Marble Streak Powdered Gel (Craft Sha) / 1pc

Bubuk ini adalah bubuk khusus yang jika dicampur air dan bermacam tinta dapat digunakan untuk membuat motif marble diatas kulit.
How to do:
  • Simply mix 45 grams of powder to 1 litre of warm water, stir and wait half a day.
  • After a consistent gel has formed, pour a thin layer of the solution into a tray 1-2cm deep and drip ordinary leather dye into it, dabbing, swirling or swiping it to the desired pattern with a stick or similar implement.
  • Then gently place you leather (grain side down) into the solution (taking care to avoid air bubbles) and remove in a peeling motion, taking care not to disturb the patterns you have created.
  • Once you have removed the leather from the gel rinse with water and allow to dry.
  • Size: 45 gram
  • Keyword : Leather_Dye |

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