/ Sewing Quilting Embroiderry and Fashion related / Patchwork, Quilting, and Templates

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Quilting Paper / 1roll (18meter)

12" wide by 20 yards long. For use with the No-Marking Method to create tear away stencils. Golden Threads Quilting Paper tears away cleanly and easily without pulling out your stitches. Can also be used for: paper piecing, trapunto, applique, machine embroidery, sketching and tracing, duplicating, adjusting and designing patterns, bobbin work and home-dec sewing.

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id:16451 (sku:TO-HELPQL-2A3)  
  Pilihan (Rp) Harga Stok Qty
-   12inch x 20yard 183,000 4
-   18inch x 20yard

244,500 3
-   24inch x 20yard

304,500 0
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