/ Paper craft & Stationary / Cutting tools for framing, model making, shadow box

Logan Handheld Mat Cutters #704-1 : Glass Cutter Elite / 1 set

New from Logan! Replaces the discontinued 704 Glass Cutter. The 704-1 Glass Cutter Elite easily cuts glass with or without a compatible Logan cutting system. Simply score glass with this tool, then bend slightly to snap the glass, and you have a clean, professional cut. Designed for use with any Logan system using hook on cutting heads: Team System, Adapt a Rule, Compact, Intermediate, Artist, and Simplex. Does not work with other Logan models, but can be used with any straightedge. Uses Logan #786 hardened steel cutting wheels. Includes bottle of cutting fluid and one glass wheel. Made in USA.
  • Merk / Produsen: Logan

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