/ Hand Tools for craft and hobby / Solder & Burner

Torch Handy gas burner GB-2001 / 1set

This is the original butane refillable micro torch made in Japan, featuring the state-of-the-art Piezo Quartz Crystal Electronic instant ignition.
The GB 2001 features a powerful 1.300ºC (2500ºF) butane blue torch flame and air flow adjustment dial for superior flame control with pin point accuracy at your finger tips.
The main tank body features a diamond grid design for a superior, and extra safe, grip.
The GB2001 also includes a detachable base for hands free table-top work.
The first Micro Torch available worldwide and still the best.
Dimensions: 150 x 78 x 78mm Burn Time: approx 30min - 2 hrs (with varying flame length)
NOTE : because of air freight regulation, we can only sell and ship this unit without the gas.
You have to find butane gas supplier in your nearest place.
Keyword : Metal_soldering |

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