How to melt Nikawa :
Rabbit skin nikawa
Rabbit glue is an agglutinant extracted from rabbit skin and pulverized in the form of a glue plate.
This type of glue has existed as a painting material in Europe since ancient times.
The glue plate swells in water at room temperature and dissolves when heated.
Rabbit Glue has low density but high adhesion, making it suitable as a spreadable color material for pigments and as a binder for creating an absorbent foundation.
It is commonly used as a filler for boards, cloth, and paper, also as a base for Nihonga (Japanese paintings), tempera paintings, oil paintings, etc.
Before use, dissolve the product in cold water, then melt the glue in a container placed in hot water.
How to use Nikawa
- 1. Place 100gr Nikawa into a container. Add 200cc (approx. 1 cup) of water. Soak at least 6 hours or overnight.
- 2. Heat the Nikawa mixture on low heat, mixing constantly to dissolve Nikawa pieces, making sure it does NOT boil, until it melts away and the color is light brown.
- 3. Pour Mixture into a large bucket/jar, add an additional water if necessary.
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