/ Paper craft & Stationary / Book : Papercraft and Scrapbooking

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Book Art of Paper Quilling (English) /1pc

: Designing Handcrafted Gifts and Cards
An exquisite paper art book featuring quilling techniques for cards and gifts.

With a focus on simple, elegant projects, the The Art of Paper Quilling offers paper crafters a complete technique guide along with step-by-step project ideas for making beautiful framed pieces, cards, gifts, and more.
The designs are all built upon simple rolled coils of paper that when grouped together, form intricate flowers, graceful butterflies, and delicate scrollwork.
Quilled designs can be framed or used to embellish greeting cards, books and journals, and many types of simple paper structures.
    • ISBN-13: 978-1592533862
    • Size: 28 x 21.5 cm
    • Page: 127
  • Booking Qty
    -- -- 299,000 2
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