/ Hand Tools for craft and hobby / Pliers & Nipper

Forming plier /1pc

Multi-Step Wire looping plier: Make consistant loops using the 3 barrels
The lower jaw is covered with PVC tubing to prevent scratching or marring the wire
Features stainless steel heads and cushion grips
Barrels measure:
5, 7, & 10mm
13, 16, & 20mm
  • Merk / Produsen: Beadsmith

    Booking Qty
    id:6177 (sku:TO-PLIER-0073)  
      Pilihan (Rp) Harga Stok Qty
    6177-5   # 5- 7-10mm 292,500 0
    6177-13   #13-16-20mm 367,500 4
    6177-s   Sleeve 2pcs 27,000 11
    6177-1   # 1-1.5-2mm 252,000 0
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