Paper craft & Stationary /
Painting material ( paint etc ) /
Leather craft /
Leather craft: Adhesive, Dyes & Finishes
Angelus Paint Additives 4 oz /1pc
- 2-Hard
Do you need to paint plastic or other hard surfaces? Then Angelus 2-Hard is the perfect item for you! When mixed with Angelus Acrylic Paints, this product will allow the paint to adhere to non-porous surfaces such as plastic or glass. Angelus 2-Hard promotes adhesion and film hardness.
- Mix with Angelus Acrylic Paints: 50% 2-Hard for flexible surfaces, 75% 2-Hard for rigid surfaces.
- Apply multiple thin coats until you obtain full and even coverage.
Allow to dry for 48 hours.
- 2-Soft
An absolute must-have when working on fabrics such as the sock-liner of shoes and other soft fabrics. When heat-set properly, this Fabric Medium will help keep your fabrics nice and soft after being painted.
- Mix Angelus 2-Soft with Angelus Acrylic Paints in a 1:1 ratio.
- Apply multiple coats until you obtain full and even coverage.
- Allow paint to completely dry.
- Heat-set using a heatgun at 300ยบ F for 3-5 minutes (this step is REQUIRED
- 2-Thin
2-Thin is perfect when you need to thin out our Angelus Leather Acrylic Paint. It keeps your shoe paint from clumping on a mesh surface, and it's great when you're using airbrush for your customization.
For airbrush applications, we suggest using a 1 part 2-thin to 4 parts paint ratio (1:4).
Merk / Produsen: Angelus
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