/ Dining & Living / Cake Chocolate Cookie Fondant etc

Wilton Pattern Embosser / 1set

The ideal set for discovering the fun of cake and brownie decorating! Create most of the fun icing techniques in this book with the tips included—rosettes, stars, drop flowers, messages and more. Includes tips 5, 21, 352 and 2D, standard coupler, decorating triangle, 6 disposable decorating bags and instruction sheet.
  • Merk / Produsen: Wilton

    Keyword : Texture_roller |

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    id:17228 (sku:KC-4ROL-012E5)  
      Pilihan (Rp) Harga Stok Qty
    17228-body   Body & Dots Embosser 228,000 0
    17228-Fabric   Fabric Embosser 132,000 2
    17228-Leopard   Leopard Embosser 132,000 1
    17228-Quilt   Quilt Embosser 132,000 0
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