/ Paper craft & Stationary / Brush pen, Pen, Marker, Eraser

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Calligraphy pen : Pilot Parallel Calligraphy Pen / 1pc

The Pilot Parallel Pen represents a major breakthrough in calligraphy pen design!
The pen nib consists of two parallel plates, allowing the writer to produce lines sharper than existing calligraphy pens. You can create blended color lines with its special mixable ink as well.
Refill sold in a box of 6 tubes (same color).
  • Merk / Produsen: Pilot

    Keyword : Calligraphy |
    Leave this field empty
    id:20767 (sku:ATT-AT-1PNC11)  
      Pilihan (Rp) Harga Stok Qty
    207671.5   1.5mm 155,000 5
    207672.4   2.4mm 155,000 10
    207673.8   3.8mm 155,000 6
    207676.0   6.0mm 155,000 12
    #000000 Refill ONLY : Black (B) 20,000 20
    #2261a8 Refill ONLY : Blue (L) 20,000 11
    #3a617e Refill ONLY : Blue Black (BB) 20,000 12
    #4ea26e Refill ONLY : Green (G) 20,000 11
    #c1c35e Refill ONLY : Light green (LG) 20,000 8
    #eb5a3d Refill ONLY : Orange (O) 20,000 9
    #d8098b Refill ONLY : Pink (P) 20,000 1
    #d51b4c Refill ONLY : Red (R) 20,000 5
    #975056 Refill ONLY : Sepia (SP) 20,000 12
    #23a7e5 Refill ONLY : Turqoise (TQ) 20,000 5
    #803695 Refill ONLY : Violet (V) 20,000 5
    #fac747 Refill ONLY : Yellow (Y) 20,000 4
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