/ Paper craft & Stationary / Brush pen, Pen, Marker, Eraser

Bottle cap twin pencyl sharpener / 1 pc

The Bottle Cap Twin Pencil Sharpener, made by stationary maker Shachihata is an ingenious design idea. The sharpener can be screwed onto almost every 500ml PET bottle which then can be used as a container for the shavings. Most (empty) 500 ml drink bottles will do. After use just discard the shavings with the bottle. The sharpener itself won’t take up much space in your bag.
The Bottle Cap Twin Pencil Sharpener comes in pink and blue and supports the standard pencil size (diameter 8mm) and color pencils.
Weight: 9g
Size: 30mm x 50mm x 36mm

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id:16401 (sku:ATT-KEZ-001A1)  
  Pilihan (Rp) Harga Stok Qty
0   Blue 49,500 0
0   Pink 49,500 0
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