/ Leather craft / Leather craft: Adhesive, Dyes & Finishes

SEIWA : Leather care: Pure horse oil /1pc

1. The penetration is great. It soaks deeply and quickly, and the result is lightly without being sticky. It is hardly left on the surface. It gives dry leather moisture and prevents drying.
2. Good for sterilization and antioxidant action. The oil slick which seeped wraps up a spore and bacteria and prevents outbreak of the mold.
It prevents the leather oxidation and is easy to come to prevent leather aging and sunburn.
3. It is safe for your skin.
4. You can use leather finishings even after you put this pure hose oil, as it does not flip leather finish agent. You can use it for dyed leather.
  • Merk / Produsen: SEIWA

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