/ Leather craft / Leather books

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Book Hand Sewing Leather Craft with Odds and Ends (Japanese) / pc

This excellent and thoroughly modern book shows you how to make unique leather items of exceptional quality that you'll be referring to for years.
Printed in full colour with hundreds of high quality colour photographs, clearly detailing every step, the projects and techniques in this book can easily be mastered without understanding Japanese.
This book has step-by-step instructions on how to make items including a pen holder, note pad, wallet and many more as well as many different techniques.
    • ISBN: 978-4-88393-342-6
    • Size: 21 x 18.4 cm
    • Page: 184

  • * Buku ini dalam bahasa Jepang, namun karena ini buku instruksi dan kebanyakan berisi banyak gambar, sehingga biarpun anda tidak mengerti bahasa Jepang, cukup mudah di mengerti.
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