
It is the Chinese belief that by filling their lives with lucky objects and images,
they increase prosperity and happy circumstances, making their existence joyful and fulfilling.


In China, the bat is a symbol of good luck and happiness. This is probably because the word for bat, "fu" sounds like the word for happines. The Chinese god of happiness is called Fu-xing; he is often represented by a bat and in human form he has bats embroidered on his robes. Two bats means extreme happiness and five bats represent the five blessings: tranquility, wealth, longevity, love of virtue and a natural death.


The Chinese animal symbol Butterfly represents love, specifically young love. Happily flitting from flower to flower – it signifies a happy social life for the young and young- at-heart. Chinese legend has it that the Butterfly symbolizes an undying bond between lovers.

FISH (Gold fish)

denotes spiritual aspects and spiritual achievements. It was the early Christian sign or symbol which separated the hostile unbelievers from the believers. It also represented the Age of Pisces which began in the year 7 A.D. Fishing represents the spiritual purposes of life and man's search for the higher consciousness. It also represents fertility and the life giving principles of the maternal. In China, the fish represents happiness and plenty. It also stands for courage, strength, and endurance.


The Laughing Buddha (also known as Hotei in Japan or Pu-Tai in China) is thought to be based on an actual wandering Chinese monk who lived at the time of the Liang Dynasty (907-923 AD). He is incorporated in Buddhist, Taoist and Shinto traditions. He is most often depicted with a large round tummy, laughing or smiling. He also sometimes carries a cloth sack which never empties. In this bag are sweets for children, food, precious items, rice plants etc. He is like a patron for the weak, poor and children and as well as giving it seems he takes away our woes and sadness. He symbolises good luck, contentment and abundance. He also sometimes carries a wishing fan, granting peoples wishes. In Feng Shui he is a symbol of wealth. He can be placed anywhere in your home, work or temple! (or probably more realistically on your altar). It seems a more recent addition, the idea that you can rub the Buddha’s belly to bring good luck and wealth. . Rubbing his belly or not, having this symbol around helps remind us that a prosperous, loving, giving life is possible on earth. So often we are convinced that we cannot have a plentiful and abundant life and live in balance. Well, the Laughing Buddha actually says you can!


In China, the Pig (a more correct form would be the Boar) is associated with fertility and virility. The pig is the 12th and last sign of the Zodiac, symbolizing manly strength. Dreaming of a pig usually denotes good fortune coming one's way.


Quan Yin is one of the most universally beloved of deities in the Buddhist tradition. Also known as Kuan Yin, Quan'Am (Vietnam), Kannon (Japan), She is the embodiment of compassionate loving kindness. Quan Yin, alone among Buddhist gods, is loved rather than feared and is the model of beauty.She hears the cries of all beings. Quan Yin enjoys a strong resonance with the Christian Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and the Tibetan goddess Tara.


The Rat was welcomed in ancient times as a protector and bringer of material prosperity. It is an animal associated with tenacity, fighting spirit, self-preservation, aggression, charm, charisma and yet also associated with death, the occult, torture, crimes, poverty, and disease. Feeling fear of rats in a dream can symbolize acknowledging negative aspects of oneself. In Japan, the rat is the companion of the god of good fortune. In China, a miser is called a 'money rat'


Can represent long life because turtles live a long time. It is a symbol of fertility and unwavering vitality, and great patience. The Chinese believe that the turtle has the secret of heaven and of earth within its body

Shijin (Japanese)
Four Guardians of the Compass Celestial Emblems of Chinese Emperor

TORTOISE (Black Warrior) = North, Winter, Black, Water

The tortoise stands in the north and represent the Winter season. With its hard shell, it projects stability and a sense of great security. The tortoise symbolizes immutability and steadfastness and is a highly symbolic creature in Chinese culture.

WHITE TIGER = West, Fall, White, Metal

The tiger stands in the west and represents the Fall season. The tiger is a symbol of courage and bravery and can drive off demons. Having great physical strength, it can both defend and attack. The tiger is the third creature in the Chinese Zodiac.

RED BIRD (Phoenix) = South, Summer, Red, Fire

The Phoenix is the king of the winged kingdom. Magnificent and legendary, this bird is synonymous with good fortune, opportunity, and luck. The Phoenix is also a "Yang" symbol and is associated with fire energies and the four winds. As a point of spiritual focus, the Phoenix evokes in us the five human qualities of good cosmic energy, or Chi:
virtue duty & responsibility
proper behavior, or right attitude
reliability & loyalty

DRAGON = East, Spring, Blue/Green, Wood

The Dragon is the only mythical animal in the Chinese zodiac. In China, dragons are associated with strength, health, harmony, continued success, high achievement, prosperity and good luck; and are usually use to banish demons and evil spirits.
Ancient Chinese Dragons are ultimate symbols of cosmic Chi (energy). It is said to be the most potent symbol of good fortune in the Chinese pantheon of symbols. As one of the four creatures of the world's directions, the Dragon stands for new beginnings.