/ Paper craft & Stationary / Material : Paper sheet etc

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Paper napkin for decoupage ( mod podge , deco podge etc ) / 1 pack

Used paper napkin motif with decoupage for embellishing your craft project!
It's very easy to pick motif, cut and stick the paper napkin to your craft project with decoupage , wait until lilbit dry and seal it again with another layer of decoupage.
You can make a cute decoration for your room, transform an old shoes/dresser/furniture/anything into a vintage/pretty/modern piece with this beautiful napkin paper, also create a present for your lovely person.

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Product_id67 Option : 13535 Other variations

Nama produk
SDL106000 Festive Delight (2 sheet)
made in Poland
Size330x330 mm
Booking Qty
-- -- 0 1000
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Keyword : 2024summer |

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