/ Leather craft / Leather craft: Adhesive, Dyes & Finishes

SEIWA : Leather dye color : Roapas batik /1bottle

  • Bahan dasar : Water based
  • Kemasan 100ml
  • Bahan pewarna untuk kulit nabati (Vegetable tanned)
TIP : Kadang kadang, Penyamakan kulitnya kurang bagus , sehingga daya serap permukaan kulit tidak rata ( ada gelap terang ), masalah ini bisa di atasi dengan cara , sebelum di kasih warna, maka kulitnya di basahi dengan air dulu agak banyak, dan dalam keadaan masih basah tersebut anda olesin pewarna ini.
Sehingga pada waktu di beri warna, maka warna nya bisa lebih teresap lebih merata (agak membantu daya serap kulit terhadap warna).
Simply clean all wax or grime from your leatherwork using a mild bleach or oxalic acid (1 teaspoon per pint of water), then saturate a piece of cloth in the dye and work in a circular motion over your leather, reapplying as necessary. Airbrushing in a well ventilated area is also an effective method of dyeing you leather or using a standard paint brush. For edges, use a small sponge or cotton bud saturated in dye. Shake before use.
Please note that these dyes can only darken your leather further. Application of dyes lighter than your leather will not lighten the colour of your leather and may, in fact, darken the colour of your leather.

A leathercraft lacquer and primer binder to ensure lacquer adhesion to your leather is highly recommended to ensure your dye is properly sealed and your leather is protected for longevity.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This dye is for undyed and untreated vegetable tanned leather used in leathercraft and may not be suitable for treated leather such as factory produced handbags, table tops, car seats, leather couches, jackets, etc., as many (but not all) of these items have been pre-dyed and treated to resist dyeing and many have a plastic coating that will prevent the absorption of this dye. To test the suitability of this dye on pre-treated leather or chrome tanned leather, thoroughly clean the leather you wish to dye with a suitable cleansing fluid and place a drop of water on the treated area (mild rubbing may be required). If the leather absorbs the water then this dye should be suitable, however, please note that, unless your leather is untreated vegetable tanned leather we cannot guarantee the results and recommend you contact the manufacturer of your item for further details. We recommend you always test this dye first on a small patch of leather before committing to an entire project if you are unsure your leather is suitable.

  • Size: 100ml
  • Merk / Produsen: SEIWA

    Keyword : Leather_Dye |
    id:10416 (sku:LC-92CLR-001B)  
      Pilihan (Rp) Harga Stok Qty
    .   x

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    145,000 0 X
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    10416-Green   x

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    145,000 0 X
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    145,000 0 X
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    10416-Chocolate   22. Chocolate 145,000 1
    10416-Grey   23. Grey 145,000 1
    .   x.x

    145,000 0 X
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