/ Other parts & Metal component / Stringing material for Jewelry : Thread & tegusu

Wild Fire beading thread 0.15mm (0.006in) / spool 45meter

WildFire beading thread features the strength and durability of DandyLine with a smooth, thermally bonded coating, to create a superior stringing product that cannot be pierced with a needle. Super strong, waterproof, and zero-stretch, this cord will not fray at the ends which makes it easy to thread through a needle.
This knottable, supple cord is also great for multi-strand seed bead designs
id:12451 (sku:POSTFF0200150)  
  Pilihan (Rp) Harga Stok Qty
0   Black 158,000 1
0   Frost 158,000 0 X
0   Green 158,000 0 X
10 or more 20%
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