Holbein Fluid Acrylic is a low-viscosity artist acrylic that delivers exceptional brilliance and clarity in a smooth, free-flowing formula.
The range of 60 colors is based on the most popular colors in Holbein's world-renowned heavy body acrylic and watercolor lines, and the colors match across the ranges.
Produced using lightfast pigments and no fillers or extenders, Holbein Fluid Acrylic delivers outstanding tinting strength, durability, adhesion, and flexibility. It is formulated to resist crazing, wrinkling, and foaming whether dripped, poured, sprayed, or applied with a brush.
Holbein Fluid Acrylic can easily be thinned to achieve watercolor-like effects. It also mixes seamlessly with all acrylic mediums including gels, pastes, and gesso.
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