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Whaley sliding hammer / 1 set
From the mind of metalsmith and instructor Jay Whaley.
The Rivette Sliding Hammer features a slender, hollow hammer head that holds a long punch that slides back and forth in the head.
Jewelers typically use a hammer and punches to move metal, but that really isn't the "best" way to do it. There should be a better way, and this is what the Rivette does.
In bezel setting, the bezel needs to be hammer against the stone without damaging the stone. Channel setting requires moving metal to hold stones in place without breaking them. Chasing and repousse are done with repeated hammer blows. Even riveting needs careful accurate hammer blows for the right finish.
Since the punch slides within the hammer head, it is always perfectly aligned with the hammer blows. The impact the hammer blows can be easily felt by your hand so that you can quickly adjust your force.
The punch can rotate within the hammer body and the hammer head itself pivots. You can hold use the punch in whatever position is comfortable.
The hammer has a sculpted rosewood handle that is long enough to give maximum force. The punches are machined out of stainless steel for long life.
The Rivette comes with 3 punches that can be changed quickly and easily by just removing the machine screw on the hammer head. Each punch has pin that keeps it from falling out of the head.
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