/ Hand Tools for craft and hobby / Cutting tools : Cutter & Cutting mat

Olfa cutter : Metal Hiper Pro / 1pc

- MXP-AL - (Auto-Lock slider)
The new X-design solid 18MM handle, powered by a chrome-plated and hardened blade channel, is in a class by itself. The MXP-AL features most advanced Auto-Lock slider which is wide and thin not to get in the way of the comfort grip. The handle is rather compact than not, being equal in size to a X-design handle L-5, making it easy to handle.

- MXP-L - (Wheel Lock)
The new X-design solid 18MM handle, powered by a chrome-plated and hardened blade channel, is in a class by itself. The MXP-L equips the solidly built single-piece metal Wheel Lock with a satin finished surface, which is especially designed also for visual harmony with the premium handle.
  • Merk / Produsen: Olfa
  • Blade refill click here

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    id:20635 (sku:TO-CT-BA5200A)  
      Pilihan (Rp) Harga Stok Qty
    20635-A   MXP-AL
    Auto-Lock slider
    289,000 0
    20635-W   MXP-L
    Wheel Lock
    304,600 0
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