/ Paper craft & Stationary / Book : Papercraft and Scrapbooking

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Book Paper + Pixels: Scrapbook Layouts (English) / 1pc

The majority of today's scrapbookers already use their computers to type journaling blocks and print digital photos. This book teaches readers how to use software programs they probably already own to create exciting digital elements for their traditional pages.

Includes a Bonus CD featuring digital kits and fonts exclusive to this product.

Although most scrapbookers are drawn to the tactile nature of the craft, scrapbookers do use their computers to journal, write titles and print photos. This book instructs readers how to use their computer programs to their fullest potential to produce digital elements, and then combine these digital elements with the actual papers, fibers and embellishments they love. Step-by-step instructions and screen captures provide the how-to for creating simple digital elements with Microsoft Word and Office Publisher and Photoshop Elements in a way that is as fun and creative as using scissors and glue. Over 100 finished pieces of artwork provide the inspiration for incorporating digital elements into traditional scrapbook layouts, greeting cards and more; callouts on these pieces of art will indicate which elements are digital and which are traditional. The CD of digital kits allows readers to create layouts using many of the same elements featured in the book's artwork.

    • ISBN: 978-1-892127-93-8
    • Size: 27.9 x 21.6 cm
    • Page: 128 (with CD-R)
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