/ Paper craft & Stationary / Book : Papercraft and Scrapbooking

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BOOK Your Words, Your Story (English) / pc

: Add Meaningful Journaling To Your Layouts
The purpose of scrapbooking is to preserve a memory or tell a story, yet journaling is a hurdle for most scrapbookers - this book teaches readers how to use their voice in their scrapbook pages.
The focus of Your Words, Your Story is helping scrapbookers find their voice.
The author Michele Skinner guides readers through the writing process by providing examples of various forms of journaling that go beyond the simple quote or heavily embellished paragraph that can overshadow a scrapbook page's story.
Over 100 layouts provide great design ideas and also give examples as to the various types of writing that can be used for journaling.
She provides encouragement for scrapbookers to find their own inner voice, and sidebars contain prompts to spark the creative storyteller inside every scrapper.
    • ISBN: 978-1-59962-027-4
    • Size: 27.6 x 20.9 cm
    • Page: 127
  • Booking Qty
    -- -- 327,000 1
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