/ Paper craft & Stationary / Painting material ( paint etc )

Watercolor : Winsor and Newton 12 Color set

Black box came packed with 12 watercolor half-pan and portable box for storage
Winsor and Newton 12 color Field Box set comes with :
Water bottle
Portable Pallete
Scepter waterbrush
3 Mixing color pallete
a cup
and 12 watercolor half-pan
Keyword : Watercolor |

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Booking Qty
id:22320 (sku:FN-CL-PAWL01B)  
  Pilihan (Rp) Harga Stok Qty
22320-bb   Black Box set 12 color 880,000 0
22320-fb   Field Box set 12 color 1,150,000 0
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