/ Hand Tools for craft and hobby / Book Foreign language

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Book Teach Yourself VISUALLY Beadwork (English) /1pc

If you are a Visual learner then this book is for you.
Beautiful pictures, easy to follow directions for Peyote Stitches (more than one),Net Beading, Herringbone, Ladder and Brick Stitch, Square Stitch, Spiral rope, Right Angle Weave.
It lists the beginning bead work as well as the more advanced beading for the intermediate.
Details on everything you need for each project as well as some better than most pictures of beads and some tricks beaders will find useful.
    • ISBN: 978-0-470-45466-4
    • Size: 22.8 x 20.3 cm
    • Page: 245
  • Booking Qty
    -- -- 335,500 2
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