/ Paper craft & Stationary / Paper craft Punch and Scorring

Paper craft : Mc Gill Lever Punch / 1pc

Assemble the pieces to create a custom shape to match your project. Each design comes with an idea book for inspiration. Sizes vary.
  • Merk / Produsen: Mc Gill

    * .
    Booking Qty
    id:12031 (sku:PC-CUTP-008D2)  
      Pilihan (Rp) Harga Stok Qty
    .   x. -not available any more- Bamboo
    Dimensional Lever Punch
    300,000 0
    .   x. -not available any more- Fancy Square (size 2.25 inch) - 95917
    Stacking Punche
    300,000 0
    .   x. -not available any more- Butterflies
    Dimensional Lever Punch
    300,000 0
    12031-label   Vintage Label
    Stacking Punche
    300,000 2
    .   x. -not available any more- Cupcake
    Dimensional Lever Punch
    300,000 0
    12031-dog   Doggy
    Dimensional Lever Punch
    300,000 1
    12031-fleur   Fleur de Lis
    Dimensional Lever Punch
    300,000 1
    .   x. -not available any more- Holly and Berries 300,000 0
    .   x. -not available any more- Ice Cream Cone
    Dimensional Lever Punch
    300,000 0
    .   x. -not available any more- Petite Petals 300,000 0
    .   x. -not available any more- Monkey
    Dimensional Lever Punch
    300,000 0
    12031-Square   Fancy Square (size 1.75 inch) - 92092
    Stacking Punche
    300,000 1
    12031-Smulti   Scallop Multi Tag
    Stacking Punche
    300,000 1
    .   x. -not available any more- Dragonfly
    Dimensional Lever Punch
    300,000 0
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