/ Mokei : Model making (clay, diorama etc) / Clay : Air dry clay

Fando Whip type clay / 1pc

Fando Whip type Clay is a high quality, light weight resin clay that is great for making Miniature Fake Foods, Jewelry, Flowers and More.
You can mix this clay with acrylic paints to make almost any color whip cream clay!
This package weighs 90g and will make fillings or topping for many miniature foods. Keep unused portion in an airtight container. This clay drys quickly so make sure you wrap the unused portion before storing in an airtight container.
This is an Air dry clay. Usually takes 2-3 days to dry, has minimal shrinkage, moisture resistant and holds very fine detail.
The result is not hard, it is more like sponge.
  • Size: 100g, 300ml
  • Merk / Produsen: Fando

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