/ Paper craft & Stationary / Paper craft Punch and Scorring
/ Other parts & Metal component / Setting & Mounting

Epiphany Crafts : Metal Settings / 1set

Link them together for a custom bracelet, add one to our Fashion Ring, or use them directly on a project – the possibilities are endless!
  • Merk / Produsen: Epiphany Craft

    Booking Qty
    id:12783 (sku:PC-CUTP-002EC4)  
      Pilihan (Rp) Harga Stok Qty
    .   x. -not available any more- Round 14mm (10pc) 84,000 0
    12783-54   Round 14mm - Brad settings (10pc) 84,000 1
    .   x. -not available any more- Heart 25mm (5pc) 99,000 0
    .   x. -not available any more- Oval 25mm (5pc) 99,000 0
    .   x. -not available any more- Square - double side 25mm (5pc) 99,000 0
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