/ Hand Tools for craft and hobby / Book Foreign language

Booklet Basics of Chain Maille / 1pc

  • A great booklet to help you learn Basic Chain Maille techniques. 110 detailed step-by-step picture instructions, illustrations, explanations, photos, etc.
  • Softcover, 31 pages.
  • Illustrations in color.
    o Half-Persian 3-in-1
    o Byzantine/Birdcage
    o European 4-in-1
    o Turkish Round
    o Fulle Persian/Foxtail
  • Lauren Andersen, also known as The ChainMaille Lady, has a passion for Chain Maille. In this booklet, Lauren demonstrates four of the fundamental chain maille weaves. Once perfected, these weaves can be applied to making a variety of Chain Maille jewelry items. To develop your Chain Maille skills further, read Artistic Wire booklet 'Advanced Chain Maille'.
Keyword : Wire_book |
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