/ Sewing Quilting Embroiderry and Fashion related / Basic sewing tools

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Clover curve ruler (with mini ruler) / 1 set

Clover curve ruler (with mini ruler) /1 set

The set includes two types of curved rulers and a mini ruler (15cm) for copying patterns and drafting.
It has a parallel line scale that is convenient for adding seam allowances, so adding seam allowances can be done easily and neatly.
The deep curved ruler is useful for necklines and armholes, the shallow curved ruler is useful for hemlines and hip lines, and the mini ruler (15cm) is useful for measuring detailed areas.
Comes with a special case that can store 3 items at once. It can also be used to correct drafting and paper patterns.

* Contents: Mini ruler storage case for deep curves and shallow curves

* Material: Body: PET resin Case: Polypropylene
* Country of origin: Japan
* Package size: 140 x 350 x 5mm
* Product number: 25-051
  • Merk / Produsen: clover

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