/ Hand Tools for craft and hobby / Pliers & Nipper

Duck-Bill Parallel-Action Forming Pliers / 1pc

These duck-bill pliers feature a flat interior surface on both jaws; they are ideal for working with oversized or heavy-gauge jump rings and pieces with larger interior diameters.
The wide jaws can also function as a bending brake, helping you create smooth, even bends in sheet and wire.
A jaw stop allows you to set the opening size of the jaws so you minimize the squeezing needed for each bend you make and repeatably achieve the same pressure and curvature as you shape your metal.
Parallel-action pliers have jaws that remain parallel regardless of the range of motion the pliers themselves are put through.
Their jaws hold the object securely, even under very firm pressure.
Choose parallel-action pliers when you need to hold a workpiece or other object securely while at the same time applying firm pressure to it, or when manipulating wire (you can feed the wire down through the throat and hold it firmly over the entire length of the jaw).
Keyword : Parallel_plier |
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