/ Healt and Beauty care / Beauty : Body care

Hokaron Hand Warmer non-adhesive type / 10pc

Hokaron hand warmers are small portable disposable warmer packets which are held in the hand and produce heat on demand to warm cold hands. They are commonly used in outdoor activities such as hiking and skiing to keep extremities warm.
Maximum temperature: 68 degrees, mean temperature: 54 degrees, duration: 20 hours.
How to use:
1. It works when the plastic packet is opened and it touches air.
2. It gets warm quickly when shaken well.
3. Please avoid direct contact with your skin. Put hokaron inside the hokaron bag or handkerchief or pocket.
4. Please do not use when sleeping.
5. When you feel too hot, please discontinue use.
6. Do not use inside kotatsu or bedding, or near heaters.
7. Not be eaten. Keep out of reach from childrens.
Iron powder, Water, Activated carbon, Salts, Wood powder, Absorbent resin, Vermiculite.
  • Size: 130x95mm

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