/ Healt and Beauty care / Beauty : Nose & Oral care

Orbis clipper (Nose hair trimmer) / 1pc

The name may not be fancy, but Ladies are praising this easy-to-use handy helper. Designed with a distinctive tweezer-like handle and a rounded inner blade (that surrounds the hair), this tool provides precise, safe cutting.

Tips & Tricks
Trim visible nose hairs by placing oval in tip of nostril and squeezing the tweezer-like arms together. Isolate only one or two hairs at a time for easy removal. The sharp, stainless steel blades never come in contact with skin — so you never have to worry about nicks or cuts inside your sensitive schnoz. Nose hairs should be cut only short enough so as not to protrude from nose.
  • size W10×D10×H95mm
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