/ Mokei : Model making (clay, diorama etc) / Clay : Silver clay (Art clay & PMC)

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PMC 3 Silver clay / pack

PMC 3 is great for those looking to make beautiful jewelry and work easily with silver metal clay. PMC 3 consists of 85% fine metal and 15% binder by weight. This variety of silver clay shrinks 12-15% during firing.
PMC 3 is different from PMC standard because it contains smaller metal particles. Because it has smaller metal particles, it provides you with a higher metal content and therefore less shrinkage and firing time can be as short as ten minutes.
Uses This form sinters more solidly than the original version and results in a stronger final product. This version can be used to craft any type of item, and it is especially recommend for rings. When fired at the highest temperature (1650F), it produces the strongest final product. It must be burnished well before soldering and uses surprisingly more solder than sheet or wire forms of sterling silver.
Workability PMC3 dries more quickly than PMC Standard, so care must be taken to quickly remove and save scraps. Unused clay should be kept tightly sealed so that no air can contact it.
Any object that can withstand the firing temperatures and times of PMC3 can be embedded and fired in place. Some natural gemstones, lab gems and cubic zirconia's can be used, as well as dichroic glass and porcelain. Findings and some types of glass can also be embedded when fired at the lowest temperature.
  Temperature Hold Time
Kiln 1650F
2 hours (optimum)
10 min
10 min
10 min
10 min
20 min
45 min
Torch Red Glow 2 min

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id:1923 (sku:CC-PM-C1PMC03)  
  Pilihan (Rp) Harga Stok Qty
.   x

297,000 0 X
1923-5   w= 5 gram 297,000 0
1923-15   w=15 gram 897,000 1
.   x

297,000 0 X
.   x

297,000 0 X
.   x

297,000 0 X
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