/ Paper craft & Stationary / Book : Papercraft and Scrapbooking

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Book Let's Draw Plants and Small Creatures -Illustration School- (English) / pc

This book provides detailed and complete instruction for illustrating fun and appealing characters and elements that celebrate life.
The author's special and distinct style is simple, appealing, happy, and cute and offers artists, crafters, and art enthusiasts-with and without experience-the instruction and inspiration to draw in the Japanese character style.
This book is for artists and crafters of all skill levels that want to bring their own illustration to their work.
It offers both entertaining and fun drawing instruction and techniques along with inspiring and sweet unique style characters and elements.
    • ISBN:978-1-59253-647-4
    • Size: 20.3 x 15.9 cm
    • Page: 112
  • Booking Qty
    -- -- 262,000 1
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