/ Sewing Quilting Embroiderry and Fashion related / Crochet & Knitting

Clover : Punch Needle /1pc

Use a needle through the yarn to stab the stitch as if drawing an illustration.
The height of the loop can be adjusted in 4 steps. (Needle tip length 2.5 cm, 3.5 cm, 4.5 cm, 5.5 cm)
Suitable yarns are medium to extra thick yarns. It is a straight yarn of No. 6 to 12 in needle notation. (* Not all yarns are suitable even in the 6th to 12th notation.)
There are three designs in the instruction manual.
Please use it together with the separately sold punch needle hoop <18 cm>, punch needle fabric, and punch needle bond.

The tip of the needle is sharp, so handle it with care and keep it out of the reach of children with a cap.

# 1 Punch Needle Contents:
· Punch needle (with 3 pieces) 1 piece
· One silicon ring
· One instruction manual
[For threading]
· One binding needle
· One octopus thread
  • Merk / Produsen: clover

    Keyword : rug_making |

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    Booking Qty
    id:19920 (sku:WEAV-LM-021A0)  
      Pilihan (Rp) Harga Stok Qty
    19920-Punch   #1. Punch Needle 423,500 5
    19920-Glue   #2. Glue 281,000 5
    19920-Hoop   #3. Hoop 18cm 483,500 0
    19920-Fabric50   #4. Fabric 50x55cm 318,500 5
    19920-Fabric100   #5. Fabric 100x100cm 663,500 0
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