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Black Silica from Hokkaido Japan

Black Silica from Hokkaido Japan. Hokkaido Black Silica is a rare ore that comes only from a place at Kaminokuni-cho, Hiyama county in Hokkaido, Japan. Where they are found in areas with high level of clean air in the forest or waterfalls.
Hokkaido Black Silica ores is assumed to have been made by acuumulation of diatoms from bottom of the sea over hundreds of millions of years ago. which contain far infrared and negative ions, known to promote good health. Infrared rays are used to promote muscle relaxation and to increase blood circulation in our body.
Negative ions are said to improve our immune system, increase alertness, concentration and so on.
Since ancient times, people have understood the hidden mysterious power of natural ore and made use of natural ore medicine and made use of it in medical treatment.
Effect and Result
  • Far-infrared radiation effects warm your body to the core.
  • Negative ions provide healing effects and improve your immunity.
  • Makes water clear. ( softens hard minerals in water )
  • Energizes both human and plant
  • Improves air quality
  • Antimicrobial and odor resistant
Test report
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