/ Sewing Quilting Embroiderry and Fashion related / Patchwork, Quilting, and Templates

TrueCut True Grips Non-Slip for ruler (clear) / 1pack

The Grace Company-True Grips Non Slip Adhesive Rings. Apply these little rings to the back of any ruler to increase safety and cutting accuracy by preventing slipping. True Grips Adhesive Rings are transparent so your project visibility is not impaired. Though designed for quilting, these rings work on any ruler and are great for any craft that uses a rotary cutter including scrapbooking and fabrics! This package contains fifteen 3/4x3/4 inch adhesive grips and fifteen 1/4x1/4 inch adhesive grips.
  • Package size: 165 x 95mm
  • Merk / Produsen: Truecut

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