/ Wood working / Cutting

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Incra Miter V27

The V27 is engineered to provide a high performance, yet low cost upgrade to
your table saw, band saw, router table, disk sander, belt sander or any
other tool in need of a better Miter Gauge. 27 Precision V-Stops are laser-
cut in solid steel to lock-in angles at exact 5 degree steps over a full 120
degrees range, with special stops at plus & minus 22.5 degrees.
All of the V27's incredible precision will actually show up in your work
because the bar can't wiggle around in the slot. Vertical work support
surface doubles as a Universal Mounting Bracket that makes it easy to add
just about any fence if you ever need one.
Item Weight : 2.7 pounds
Product Dimensions : 17 x 6.9 x 3.5 inches
Steel bar thickness : 3/8" thick, 3/4" wide.
Booking Qty
-- -- 2,300,000 1
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