/ Hand Tools for craft and hobby / Drill & Grinder

Multi Angle Driver/ 1 set

This multi-angle screwdriver and drill bit chuck can be adjusted with a hexagonal socket bolt to drive screws or drill holes at any angle. So you can get a grip on the most difficult installations. The multi-angle driver has a standard 1/4 inch (6.35 mm) socket that will take all standard bits. The tool will accept all standard drill bits with a 6.35 mm hexagonal shaft, but they must be at least 50 mm long - the small 25 mm bits are too short to work in the tool.
Delivered with a hex key to adjust the head's angle.
Features free angle adjustment with 360°pivot positioning.
Directions for using the Cobra Multi Angle Driver and Drill Tool:
1.Loosen the hexagonal head bolt on the housing.
2.Turn the housing head to the desired angle.
3.Re-tighten the bolt to lock in the desired angle. Be careful that the teeth between the two halves of the housing are properly mated before using the tool.

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* This product is "Made in Japan".
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