/ Special order & service center

Special order / 1set

Perhitungan jasa pembelian barang dari Japan

Rate biaya kirim :
Air 1800 - 2160 yen / kilo
Sea 850 - 1020 yen / kilo
Perhitungan Volumetric Weight
The cost of a shipment can be affected by the amount of space that it occupies on an aircraft, rather than the actual weight. This is the volumetric (or dimensional) weight. What is Volumetric weight The volumetric weight of a shipment is a calculation that reflects the density of a package. A less dense item generally occupies more volume of space, in comparison to its actual weight. The volumetric or dimensional weight is calculated and compared with the actual weight of the shipment to ascertain which is greater; the higher weight is used to calculate the shipment cost.
Beli dari mana ? (tolong isi URL website beli dari mana )
Harga beli (dalam Yen) Yen
Jumlah buah
Berat (dalam gram)
(kalau tahu beratnya)
Ukuran kotak (dalam mm) Kalau barang besar di hitung Volume
Dengan rumus panjang x lebar x tinggi / 5000 : Information
x x mm

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