/ Other parts & Metal component / Stringing material: Nylon coated wire

Nylon coated wire is a stainless steel wire coated with nylon
It's very strong because it is made of steel, but it feel soft and won't change color because it is coated with nylon
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NCW Beadalon (7) 0.53mm Titanium Kink - Free / 1spool (3.05m)

Introducing the world’s first kink free beading wire.
This technologically advanced Titanium alloy wire is super-elastic and offers dramatic kink resistance. When pinched and released, the wire returns to its original straight shape, without kinking. KINK FREE Ti is ideal for use on jewelry designs subject to lots of twisting, looping, and extreme movement. The wire holds its shape and works well on designs made with crystal, metal, and medium to heavier weight beads. The sleek Titanium gunmetal finish looks elegant and coordinates well with our range of gunmetal findings.
  • Merk / Produsen: Beadalon

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