/ Other parts & Metal component / Wire ( Raku Maku brand )

Raku Maku is a japanese word for "Easy to wrap".
This wire is specially made for wire wrapping. made from copper wire, plated with fine silver or 18 Karat gold (depends on color), and for other color it is then coated with 7 layers of colored enamel, and finaly coated again with final finishing for lasting bright finish.
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Raku Maku Copper wire HALF round 1.00 mm ( 18 ga) / 1spool

  • Merk / Produsen: Raku Maku

    Keyword : campaign_2023-11 |

    Booking Qty
    id:4714 (sku:CW-RK1CPH0100)  
      Pilihan (Rp) Harga Stok Qty
    4700_ntg   - N.T Gold ( 4 yard 3.6 meter ) 132,000 34
    4700_nts   - N.T Silver ( 4 yard 3.6 meter ) 132,000 15
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