/ Mokei : Model making (clay, diorama etc) / Painting tool : Airbrush

spray gun H-2000 /1pc

Astonishing but true, it's been 20 years since the first release of this injection-molded plastic kit--and now Saint Sagittarius is back in this spanking-new re-release! With the battlin' boy cast in flesh-color pieces, and his armor, display base, and makings for his Sagittarius Object (with whom he shares his armor headpiece) plated in a gleaming gold, this fixed-pose kit will require both glue and painting to complete...just like old times! The included instructions and painting guide are in Japanese but are well-illustrated.
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id:13881 (sku:xx)  
  Pilihan (Rp) Harga Stok Qty
-   0.8mm 270,000 5
-   1.0mm 270,000 0
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