/ Sewing Quilting Embroiderry and Fashion related / Book & DVD for Needle craft, Knitting, Sewing, Quilting

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BOOK Put Some Charm in Your Quilts (English) / 1pc

: Instructions for Both Paper & Traditional Piecing
Pre-cuts are all the rage and Connie Kauffman brings you her own style for using them. Put Some Charm in Your Quilts has options for traditional and paper-piecing. A book totally dedicated to the use of charms and to a wide variety of project sizes, it will be the book quilter's will use again and again. If a gift is needed in a hurry, this is where to find it. These patterns will lend their selves well to any fabrics or style. And best of all the quilter will most likely have the fabric on hand when needed. This book is for audiences from confident beginner to advanced quilters. Any quilters with the desire to try a different technique or is interested in options will find this book a treasure. It's a great book to have on hand for when you need a gift idea. Charms are an impulse buy items so most quilters have them and if they don't they are easy to find and economical to purchase.
    • ISBN: 978-1-59217-374-7
    • Size: 27.6 × 21.6 cm
    • Page: 64
  • Booking Qty
    -- -- 208,000 1
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