/ Sewing Quilting Embroiderry and Fashion related / Crochet & Knitting

Clover Knitting needles Circular ( Takumi Bamboo) / 1pc

Clover’s excellent processing technology produces the Takumi® with high quality. These needles feature shafts with even thickness- promising neat stitches and finishing. The needle point has a round shape and delicate finish as to not leave fine splits of fiber that causes the yarn to split. Bamboo is a strong and elastic material with a hardy fiber. Its smooth surface and comfortable fitting are the most suitable for knitting needles. Only select parts of a bamboo are used for needles.
  • Merk / Produsen: clover

    Booking Qty
    id:15256 (sku:KNCH-1NDL-2B1)  
      Pilihan (Rp) Harga Stok Qty
    0   40cm #3 (50-403) 135,000 0
    0   60cm #3 (50-103) 135,000 0
    0   80cm #3 (50-703) 135,000 3
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