/ Hand Tools for craft and hobby / Solder & Burner

Heat Shield with Syringe Applicator / 1set

Protect components from direct flame with this clay-like heat sink. It protects most stones while your are soldering around them, and it acts as a barrier between the stones and flame, so stones don’t have to be removed. Effective for direct-flame temperatures up to 5,000°F (2,760°C). Non-toxic, odorless clay-like material washes off with water. Handy applicator syringe included; replacement syringes are available.

please note:
  • Not recommended for softer stones such as turquoise, coral, malachite, pearls or opal.
  • Do not quench—air-cool after soldering.
  • 1 lb ( 450 g )
  • Booking Qty
    -- -- 752,000 2
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